I regularly participate in EMCOMM/AUXCOMM using SHARES frequencies with government officials, so I decided it might be time to have radio capable of running those frequencies. While this was mildly challenging with only a magnifying glass, phone camera, and standard soldering station. It went reasonably quick and the finish product doesn’t look to bad. If you look close you can see a little left behind rosin I used to make the job easier. I did however clean that up with a swab & contact cleaner. Below is the almost finished cleaning up photo. If you look at the upper left of the diode grid you can see the rosin of which I spoke

IC-7300 post MARS MOD

….and below is the surface mount diode that was removed. it is the speck on the dime.

US Dime with the removed surface mount diode on it.

By ka9kqh

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